Top 10: Most Creative Anti-Smoking Ads -

3 Mar 2011

Top 10: Most Creative Anti-Smoking Ads

10. Welcome to Marlboro Country

Let’s start with an oldie. The classic campaign against Marlboro’s “Welcome to Marlboro Country, was one of the first anti-smoking ad campaigns to get wide-spread attention. Primarily for its creative interpretation of Marlboro Country. Another famous example you might recollect is the photo of a graveyard, titled “Welcome to Marlboro Country”.

9. No Smoking!!!

Perfect ad placement.

8. Hang man

7. Kill a Cigarrette and Save a Life

6. Smoking Lips

5. The Reaper

4. Shotgun

3. Cemetery

2. 300 times more lethal than crime

1. Ashes to ashes


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